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Project Status


1. Discover

Existing Conditions

Assess the existing network to understand ridership demand and trip patterns.


2. Concepts Engagement

Understanding Ridership and Coverage Tradeoffs

Collaborate with customers and partners to develop alternatives. These alternatives will demonstrate two paths for reimagining the network and will highlight the tradeoffs we will need to make to maximize service coverage and ridership.


3. Draft   Network Design

Design a draft of the reimagined network based on outcomes of the tradeoff conversations to present for public input.

Develop Draft Network


4. Draft Plan Engagement

Obtain Input on Proposed Network

Present proposed network to MARTA customers and partners for comments and input. Public input will inform final design of the new bus network.


5. Complete Recommended Network

Present the Final Draft

Deliver the final bus network to be implemented after public hearings and MARTA Board adoption.

Public engagement is critical to the success of the NextGen Bus project and every phase of the process will include opportunities for public input. Click here to get in touch.

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